~Personalized Erotica Stories~
Have a book written as if you are the character. Wild idea, right? Well now is your chance to hire Elina to do just that, with a few tidbits of information provided by you she can turn chapters of romantic, passionate words into an erotic whorlwind of adventure. This is of course a "contracted" writing deal (ghost writing in its raw form).
There is no offer or guarantee of being published this is purly a personalized book. Chapters will be determined between Elina and yourself as well as a cover. Printing is contracted by an individual not a publisher.
Names and characters in your short erotica book will be of your choosing. Elina is a discriptive writer and will bring you and your characters to life on the pages.
For more information on how this is done and pricing, contract Elina Rawlins via her email.
This is a professional writing gig, if at any time you have taken steps to change it from professionalism to something distasteful the contract will be null and void. This is at Elina Rawlins discretion