~Stories, Tales and Tidbits~

   This is where I come daily to write thoughts and stories or just ramble on. You can come here daily or whenever you want.  There will be new material most every day.  Please feel free to pull up a chair set back and read some of the things that go through my mind.  Some things you may find entertaining and others may bore you. 





                                                  ~The Tree~                  

  There’s a long dirt road just down from where I live in which I walk every evening.  At the end where I make my turn to head back, there’s this huge oak tree. I have no clue as to its age, I have to without fail reach out and touch the rough and gnarled bark. Looking up into its glory of intertwined branches and leaves, one can lose sight of the fact that the highway is but a few thousand yards away. This is where I come to get lost in thoughts, to make decisions in my life and just relax. 


   I close my eyes as I stand under its majestic countenance, gaining a sense of security by its age and size.  It's almost as if there's some unexplained connection between man and nature. The sound from the highway off to the distance can be heard shhhhhing through it's out reaching branches that hung above my upturned face.  I walk around the girth of the massive, silent monster. I ran my soft palm against its ridged bark.  Softly I talk to it as if it can understand my need to communicate in some fashion.  Feeling slightly silly I look around, sheepishly. No one there.. I turn one last time, look up taking a deep breath and head for home.





Life’s full of many wonders that we tend to take for granted till it’s gone. We search for something exceptional and many times we don't see just what we have till it’s gone. Not till we are landed in a new situation, one we thought was suppose to turn out better but didn’t, do we see the loss and what we gained in our haste. Filled with regret and pain wishing we'd had better foresight and not made such thoughtless decisions. I try very hard to take each decision I make in stride. I think that each of us should set and think out our needs and wants, see just how it will affect ourselves as well as others. Based on this we make the move to step forward into something that will perhaps change our lives or that of others, hopefully in a positive way. It sometimes turns out discouraging even after such thought out planning. My thoughts on this are to do the best out of every situation as you can. Something good can come from any thing you do. It’s all in the attitude and how we process the things we decide on. Life is about change; no matter how we look at it or go about it life is full of change. We search and find new and exciting adventures that fill our lives, each one is a lesson to be learned.   We some times search just to find what we search for is right before us.. if we just stand back and look.




~Free Spirit~

Green eyes and raven hair

Long slender legs

With skin so fair…

Spirited one moment and mild the next

Keeps some men I know

Feeling rather perplexed…

A smile that melts ones heart

With lips so soft

Wanting to hold me and never depart…

So hard to catch and harder to hold

I dance through life

Sometimes rather bold…

~Author Elina Rawlins~





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